Saturday, January 30, 2010

Designer Senior Albums

We introduced the Designer Senior Album for the 2010 Graduates. We've been thrilled with this new product and our clients seem to be, too! It is such a great way to share the collection of images we get from our Senior Sessions.... and so much fun! There are so many things I love about these books. Among them, the ability to get duplicates at a reasonable price. They make great grandparent gifts or Senior AND mom/dad get their own copy. Stop by the studio anytime to view some of our great samples!

The Spring is booking up fast, so call the studio if you have not already scheduled your Senior Session!

2010 Resolution

Ok... New Year's Resolution... I'll be better about sharing promotions, deadlines and studio news through the blog this year. Time just gets away, doesn't it? So, I've lined out time each week to share what's going on within the studio. Phew! Just squeaked this one in! Monday will be February already! Can you believe it?